Two new associates join our team of lawyers

25th Nov 2021

We are most happy to welcome associates Yiannis Ioannou and Stella Dekatris, who join our growing team of lawyers! Both Yiannis and Stella undertook their training for admission to the Cyprus Bar Association with us, and joined the firm as associates upon the completion of their training.

Yiannis is a member of the firm’s Litigation Arbitration & Mediation department. He is involved with a wide variety of litigation matters and represents clients before the Courts in Cyprus in civil and commercial disputes.

Stella mainly handles commercial and civil litigation matters, as well as family law cases.

Talk to us

Our website will provide you with an overview of our services and the advice we provide. If you would like further information about how we can assist you, please contact us.

Call: +357 22 777000   |   Email:

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