Book review – International Law: Violation and Decline The Puppet State in the Occupied Part of Cyprus

13th Jul 2023

In the Spring 2023 issue of the Cyprus Review – a forum where original research is presented on International Affairs, Politics, Social Sciences, History, Governance, Law, Education and other related fields pertinent to Cyprus – Mary Ann Stavrinides (Attorney of the Republic. Law Office of the Republic of Cyprus) reviews our firm’s founder Dr Kypros Chrysostomides’ book on international law entitled ‘International Law: Violation and Decline The Puppet State in the Occupied Part of Cyprus‘.

Ms Stavrinides’ review begins as follows: “Dr. Kypros Chrysostomides needs no introduction to the Cyprus Review readers. Not only does he stand out as a highly reputable and much respected member of the Cy-prus legal profession and a political figure of exemplary ethos and integrity, he is also an expert on the Cyprus issue and a fervent supporter of the rule of International Law. Back in 1994, when his first major book on the Cyprus issue The Republic of Cyprus in International Law (Το Κράτος της Κύπρου στο Διεθνές Δίκαιο) had been published, I had just been recruited as a rookie advocate at his law firm and I vividly recall receiving from him, with sheer pride and excitement, a signed complimentary copy of his book. Twenty-nine years down the road, having been invited to review his latest and, ever so sadly, last book, I cannot but consider my contribution as a humble tribute to a great Cypriot International Law scholar and practitioner.”

The full review is available here.

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