11th Wealth Management Conference: partner George Mountis presents succession planning for family wealth

31st May 2019

“With great power comes great responsibility”. With great wealth, however, comes the even greater responsibility of wealth management, and furthermore the greatest responsibility of all; that of passing wealth of any and all forms, on to the next generation. This was the key theme of the 11th Wealth Management Conference, organised by IMH, which took place in Nicosia on 30 May 2019.

Our firm was one of the main sponsors of the event and partner George Mountis was among the keynote speakers. His presentation highlighted the importance of proper succession planning for family wealth and stressed the need for proactive and effective governance.

Our private wealth team has been building trusted, long-term relationships with high-net-worth clients and has been looking after the legal needs of wealthy individuals and their families for over 35 years. More information about our services and practice may be found here.

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