Cross-border Mergers Directive International Conference

9th Oct 2017

Senior Partner Chryso Dekatris and Senior Associate Ioanna Sapidou along with trainee lawyer Juliana Georgallidou attended an international conference on the Cross-border Mergers Directive (Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national experiences) organised by the University of Cyprus in association with the Research Promotion Foundation, as part of the dissemination of the results of a research project entitled “Takeovers and Mergers in European, Cypriot and Greek Company Law”.

The conference aimed at scrutinizing the 10th Company Law Directive on Cross-border Mergers (Directive 2005/56/EC) and addressed, inter alia, its relationship with other areas of law as well as national experiences from the implementation of the Directive in company laws of some Member States. It was a very well organised conference which provided very insightful perspectives to the matters examined.

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