Cyprus Investment Funds: Legislation, Regulation & Practice

29th Sep 2017

Within the framework of our firm’s continuing professional development, senior associate Eleni Shiarly attended the workshop on Cyprus Investment Funds, where information on the transposition of the European guidelines, directives and regulations in national legislation was presented. The workshop also provided an overview of the Legal and Regulatory framework of Cyprus Investment Funds, and insight on the practical considerations for investment managers and service providers.

Our team of experts regularly advises on and assists clients with the setting-up, licensing, passporting of services of, and regulatory compliance of Investment Firms, UCITS, AIF, as well as the managers of these funds. We also advise on related services, including the re-domiciliation of the funds and managers, listing of funds on regulated and unregulated markets, and assisting with the Cyprus citizenship of the directors and other key staff of the funds and their managers.

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Our website will provide you with an overview of our services and the advice we provide. If you would like further information about how we can assist you, please contact us.

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