Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency Seminar

22nd Jun 2017

Partner Elena Ioannides and associate Christia-Lydia Kastellani attended a presentation by the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA), outlining the results of two market surveys it had commissioned with foreign investors. The first survey was in relation to foreign entities with a physical presence in Cyprus, and the second concerned international companies who do not have activities in Cyprus. Various prominent figures attended the presentation, including the Registrar of Companies and the Chairwoman of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

The results of the market surveys, inter alia, highlighted factors that foreign investors consider attractive when electing to establish business operations in Cyprus, such as the favourable tax regime, quality of life, strategic geographical location, efficient legal, accounting and banking services. The surveys also indicated that the number of foreign investors who have elected/or consider Cyprus as a jurisdiction for undertaking business operations has grown since the previous year.

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