Training Seminar for Cypriot Judges and Lawyers of the Office of the Republic on European Competition Law

3rd Nov 2015

A specialised Training Seminar for Cypriot Judges and Lawyers of the Office of the Republic on European Competition Law, was held between 2-4 November 2015. The seminar, funded by the EU, was organised by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) in association with the Cypriot Competition Authority and the Institute for Studies in Competition Law and Policy. The Supreme Court of Cyprus both hosted and sponsored the seminar, whose speakers included notable experts in their respective fields.

The seminar covered many aspects of Competition Law, including State Aid, Banking, Insurance, Financial Sector, Telecommunications, Media and Energy.

Our firm was represented by associate Dimitris Papapolyviou, whose presentation “Monopolies in Natural Gas supply: the case of Noble Energy and Delek Group before the Israeli Competition Authority” drew considerable attention and positive feedback from the attendees.

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