Our firm participates in the Forensic Financials Training Seminar

6th Mar 2015

On 5 March 2015, senior associates Victoria-Zoi Papagiannis and Yiannis Karamanolis participated in the first of a series of training seminars on Forensic Financials, hosted by the University of Nicosia and co-organised by the Cyprus Criminology and Forensic Sciences Center, the University of Nicosia and the University of Leicester.

The seminars will take place over a 3-month period (March – June 2015) and will cover all aspects of financial fraud, including white collar crime, organizational crime, insurance fraud, money laundering, corruption and bribery, intellectual property theft, financial statements fraud, health care fraud, internet fraud etc. The subjects of fraud risk assessment and fraud prevention techniques and schemes will also be addressed.

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Call: +357 22 777000   |   Email: info@chrysostomides.com.cy

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